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Archive of Past

Paragraphs of the Week

Here is a running archive of past "Paragraphs of the Week" as well as the commentary on them by THE. We consider each of these entries to be a brief review that gives the reader a sense of the original, some commentary on style, and insight into the author's ideas.  The archive will allow readers to browse our authors as they make their choices about books to read.

Authors for Summer 2014:  Henry David Thoreau, E. B. White, Vivian Gornick, Jill Christman, Brian Doyle, Elena Passarello, James Baldwin, Kathryn Winograd, Roger Rosenblatt,                 Julian Hoffman, Robert Root, Judith Kitchen.

Authors for Fall 2014: Ana Maria Spagna, Phillip Lopate, Joe Mackall, Annie Dillard, Sarah Einstein, Alan Lightman, Thomas Larson, Judith Kitchen, Mark Doty, M.F.K Fisher, Jeremy Collins, and Steven Church.

Authors Winter 2015:  Bonnie Rough, Sonya Huber, Joseph Mitchell, Kate Hopper, Suki Kim,       Sam Pickering, Jerald Walker, Sandra Swinburne, Jan Shoemaker, Charles D'Ambrosio, Kathleen Finneran, Tarn Wilson.

Authors for Spring 2015:   Kim Dana Kupperman, Lauren Slater, Jill Kandel, Jacqueline Haskins, Lee Martin, David James Duncan, Heather Weber, E. B. White, Kate Carroll de Gutes. 

Authors for Summer 2015: Henry David Thoreau, Helen Macdonald, Jill Talbot, Joan Didion. Cheryl Strayed and Dinty Moore, Bonnie Rough, Maggie Nelson, Brenda Miller, Jo Ann Beard.

Authors for Fall 2015:  David Gessner, Wallace Stegner, Terry Tempest Williams, Edward Abbey, Leila Philip, Josette Kubaszyk, Rebecca McClanahan, Kim Barnes.

Authors for Winter 2016:  Montaigne and David Lazar, Montaigne and Lia Purpura, Montaigne and Robin Hemley. Montaigne and Desirae Matherly, Eliot Weinberger, Sonya Livingston, Patrick Madden, Hilaire Belloc. Alice Walker, Sue Silverman, Robert Atwan.

Authors for Spring 2016: Roger Angell, Charles M. Blow, Amy Wright, Alice Meynell, Naomi Shihab Nye, E. J. Levy, Shannon Huffman Polson, Katherine Robb.

Authors for Summer 2016:  Michael Steinberg, Elie Weisel, E. B. White, Henry David Thoreau, Julian Barnes, E. M. Forster, Maisy Hrischuk, Matsuo Bashō.

William Bradley, Oliver Sacks, Bich Minh Nguyen, Tom Montgomery Fate and Hayley Loggins, Ta Nehisi Coates, Lucy and Paul Kalanithi, Brenda Miller, Jan Shoemaker, Judith Kitchen and Sharisa Grimwood, Robert Root, Mimi Schwartz, Barack Obama.

Clifford Thompson, Alex Lemon, Alice Walker. Steven Church, Elena Passarello, Delia Ephron and Tisha Reed, Terry Tempest Williams.

Edward Hoagland, Bret Lott by Linda Taylor, Wendell Berry, Sloane Crosley, Virginia Woolf, Sonya Huber, Thoreau, William Styron, E. B. White, Jean-Dominique Bauby, Annie Dillard, Lewis Thomas.

William Bradley, Terry Tempest Williams, Jon Kerstetter, Brian Doyle, Bill McKibben, Lee Martin, Robert Root, Jill Christman, Matt Tullis,  W. E. B. Du Bois.

David Abram,  David Quammen.  Camille T. Dungy, Rick Bass, Ted Gup, Nicholas Dighiera, Anne Barngrover, Mary Haug, B. J. Hollars, John Jeremiah Sullivan. 

Spring 2018 Barbara Jones, Leslie Jamison, Kenneth A McClane, Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah, Sarah Resnick, Leslie Jamison, John Muir, Bernard Cooper,.

Summer 2018: David Abram, George B. Schaller, John McPhee, Henry David Thoreau, E. B. White, Pam Durban, Barbara Hurd. Jorge Luis Borges, Frank Bidart, Dan Beachy-Quick, Robert Root, John Muir. 

Aldo Leopold, August Derleth, Robert Root, Matthea Harvey, B.J. Hollars.

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